Dear colleagues and friends,
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the “HGSC - Helicobacter pylori genomics, signaling and carcinogenesis” conference from 02 to 05 December 2023 at the beautiful Castle Hirschberg in Beilngries (Bavaria, Germany).
After the long COVID 19 pandemic, we are excited to host this conference as an on-site event. The HGSC conference is a high profile meeting that brings together established researchers and young scientists to share their latest data and vision in the field of Helicobacter . We are pleased to organise sessions on the key disciplines of genomics, pathogen evolution, pathogen-host interactions, signal transduction, immuno-oncology as well as translational oncology led by leading scientists. Our aim is to create an interactive and productive environment and relaxed atmosphere where you can present and discuss your data with colleagues, build new networks for your career and enjoy the beautiful Castle Hirschberg in Bavaria with some exciting excursions.
The organising committee is looking forward to seeing you in Beilngries!
Yours sincerely,
Silja Wessler
Bodo Linz
Steffen Backert